Partners | Who, why and how to join #30days30waysUK
The short answer is LRFs, Cat 1 and 2 responders, affiliated organisations; legal duty to communicate with the public under the Civil Contingencies Act; #30days30waysUK works!
The long answer, however, is much more interesting. It is part of the story of the shaping of emergency risk communication via social media for preparedness:
The knowledge and capacities of governments, professional response and recovery organisations, communities and individuals to effectively anticipate, respond to, and recover from the impacts of likely, imminent or current hazard events or conditions. For instance, installing early warning systems, identifying evacuation routes and preparing emergency supplies. (UNISDR 2017, PreventionWeb)
Since 2015, 30days30waysUK partners come from a wide range of sectors as our partner lists (twitter) show. This includes civil society, charitable organisation and NGOs, education, business and others in addition to the multi-agency LRFs that are made up of local public services, the emergency services, local authorities, the NHS, the Environment Agency and many others.
The role of Local Resilience Forums entails many legal duties which include assessing local risk, publish local risk registers, maintain emergency plans and to inform and communicate with the public. Building ‘resilience’ has become a buzzword, meaning many things to many people, but that diversity, while perhaps confusing to some is also a real strength and asset, especially when it comes to pro-active preparedness which concerns everyone.
#30days30waysUK is a proven successful method, it is OPEN and FREE to join
Measuring success is rarely straightforward. However, thanks to open source analytics, e.g. google, twitter, facebook and TAGs, this has become a lot easier. Our annual reports show how the campaign reaches wide audiences, creating public awareness, engagement and interaction across the UK in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (‘publications’ section about us). Relaunching the 2013 ‘How prepared are you’ survey longitudinally will hopefully provide additional insight into household preparedness.
Uptake growth has been impressive over the years with a 2019 twitter reach of 12.5 million thanks to over 650 partners contributing on an entirely voluntary basis. Plans are under way to strengthen and evolve this further. We share our approach freely with all that are interested to join and/or run their own local campaigns based on best practise. Collaboration takes place via email, video/conference calls, Resilience Direct and via practitioners networks such as the Emergency Planning Society.
Joining #30days30waysUK is easy
The campaign runs live every year throughout September. You are welcome to join, participate and shape your social media messages anytime and throughout the year. Preparedness and resilience are a ‘group sport’, a race where everybody wins all the time.
Join us for this year’s #30days30waysUK. Simply access, adopt and adapt the linked resources throughout this site and all campaign materials via about us.
If you are a LRF or cat 1/2 responder collaborate for ‘September is Preparedness Month’ #30days30waysUK via Resilience Direct. Planning begins early in the year but you can join anytime. Simply request access to the Resilience Direct 30days30waysUK space or get in touch with your LRF to register for RD access.
Update: the 2024 Final Programme and slides (Gdrive) are now available.
If you are a UK charity/NGO consider becoming a day host/lead for a specific theme or simply get on board in September by following and sharing our daily themes. Join the conversation on social media sharing your expertise and resources. Access all campaign materials via about us. For questions or information simply contact us on social media or via Thank you for taking part and widening the reach of the preparedness message.
If you are a UK practitioner or individual connected to or interested in disaster risk reduction, emergency planning, business continuity etc. simply follow and share our daily themes, join the conversation on social media. If you are interested in getting pro-actively involved with #30days30waysUK, for example in building and expanding topics and themes, please get in touch on social media or via We would love to hear from you.
If you are outside of the UK an individual or an organisation interested in raising awareness for emergency and disaster preparedness and learning via social media, why not adopt and adapt our approach for your country or area? Take a look at our our international ‘approach and vision'(google slides via and explore this site for inspiration and links. The #30days30waysUK approach is easily transferable using ISO alpha-2 country codes.