UK Household Preparedness Survey


Emergencies: how prepared are you?

Since 2015, the #30days30waysUK campaign aims to inspire and empower people to be more ’emergency ready’.  Our public survey has its roots in the 2008 ‘Place Survey’ carried out across all Local Authorities in England and the original 2013 ‘How Prepared Are You’ Northamptonshire survey.

Our yearly follow on survey runs since 2019 and invites everyone in the UK to take part. It is anonymous and contributes to ongoing research by 30days30waysUK and Local Resilience Forums. Findings are published alongside our annual report via ‘about us‘.

Insight on UK Household Emergency Preparedness

Sadly, our understanding of individual, household and community preparedness is extremely limited. Few surveys have taken place to date and none have been repeated longitudinally. We aim to change this. Our short questionnaire is anonymous, only asking for your postcode for geographically useful information. After all, emergency preparedness in Manchester looks quite different from Cornwall. Anyone over 18 can take part. The survey link will be posted here and shared via social media as soon as it goes live.

Survey 2024 on UK Household Preparedness

The 2024 survey goes live on 2 September and runs until 30 October 2024. It is again securely hosted by the West Northamptonshire Council. You can access our reports via the ‘about us’ page.