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This is a daily emergency preparedness game on social media that informs, connects and inspires personal and collective action during "September is Preparedness Month".


30days30waysUK preparedness BINGO 30days30waysUK Day 16 September is Preparedness Month

DAY 16 - GiveBlood

follow & use hashtag #30days30waysUK - comment/like/share the posts -
join us for daily stories, tips and resources, download and cross off the BINGO sheet

Hello and welcome to day 16 #30days30waysUK. Every week, blood donations are needed across the UK, especially during these times of crisis. Did you know that your blood donation potentially saves the lives of three people? Almost everyone can make a #DateToDonate. It's quick and easy no matter where you live in the UK. If you have recovered from COVID-19, then your blood plasma donation is particularly important. Today, we begin with the BBC Earth Lab video "How does blood donation work". Click on the link  or the image to access the video.

30days30waysUK Day 16 Give Blood | September is Preparedness Month

If you have recovered from COVID-19 your blood is especially important. This @GiveBloodNHS video explains about convalescent plasma.  Important also are blood donations from the BAME community "...we must have more black donors because of tremendous need..." This NHS video from earlier this year explains.  So, to make a #DateToDonate and find out more about blood donations where you live head to

England:  LIKE/FOLLOW @GiveBloodNHS twitter and facebook | website blood.co.uk
Scotland:  LIKE/FOLLOW @givebloodscot  twitter and facebook | website scotblood.co.uk
Wales:  LIKE/FOLLOW @WelshBlood twitter and facebook | website welsh-blood.org.uk
Northern Ireland:  LIKE/FOLLOW @GiveBloodNI  twitter and facebook | website nibts.hscni.net

This is a great start. To find out even more, check the above accounts and their youtube playlists where available. Follow #30days30waysUK across social media today. Finally, whether you are a regular donor or are considering to become one THANK YOU - @givebloodforscotland expresses all our gratitude. #GiveBlood saves lives and builds community resilience.
Don't be scared - be informed and get better prepared!


Your activities and resources for Day 16

Look over todays links and resources and bookmarks those that are relevant to you.
Register as a blood donor today and make a #DateToDonate.

Remember to follow hashtag #30Days30WaysUK. Cross off your BINGO sheet.
To catch up, look over previous emails or our pinned tweet.
Participate in our survey.


To help raise awareness, please share with your friends and colleagues and encourage them to subscribe
Thank you for your support. Access more resources via 30days30waysUK.org.uk  -  be better #PREPARED

Copyright 2020 © creative commons license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 which means you're free to share and adapt, for non-commercial purposes, as long as you give appropriate credit and indicate if changes were made. There is no need to contact us for permission. However, if you run successful campaigns based on our #30days30waysUK method and materials we'd love to hear, so please share and get in touch via social media @30days30waysUK or via our website
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